Monday, June 29, 2009


Mark 9:2(NKJ) ...No one else was there. As the men watched, Jesus appearance changed. Wow! Does this sound like a salvation experience or what? I never saw this before. No one else is there. Jesus becomes His real self to you---suddenly!
Peter, James and John had been hanging out with Jesus for three years or so, and taking in the Wisdom of God from Him, but had yet to see Jesus as He truly IS. I can relate. I was introduced to Jesus at a very early age but failed to see Him as He is for many, many years. I was baptized in water at the age of 8. I believed that Jesus was my only Salvation, but I was motivated by fear and not by Love. I was taken in by doctrine that said that I must accept Jesus and then I must do. It was not until I had an encounter with The Father and He filled me with His Spirit and I saw Jesus as He Is-- that I understood: He made me and He saved me and I had nothing to do with either one. It is only by His Grace that I am. I was created to be a human being--not a human doing. If it is by works that we are saved we should be muslim. The good deeds must come from Him and not ourselves. We create corruption and death. The Father creates Life. As we let Him move through us, He creates Life. As we strive, we produce death.
Hebrews 4:11(NKJ) Let us do our best to enter in to that(His) place of rest.---be blessed---c

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